Our Friends

United we stand, divided we fall…

The unions forged with our partners stabilize the foundation of our charity.

9/11 Remembered is a non profit 501c3 corporation and we operate and travel through sponsorship and donations. With the help of our friends, supporter donations and sponsorship, our organization is able to continue to travel across the United States. 9/11 Remembered partners have aided us in becoming who we are today. Learn about our partners here on this page…


Support Our Friend Monica Iken




Ground Zero Volunteers Flag honors veterans and those lost due to the 9/11 attacks annually.


After the September 11th terrorist attacks, people flocked to the ruins of the Twin Towers and several other destroyed buildings to offer help in any way possible. Providing aid based on each volunteers individual set of skills, many worked tirelessly among First Responders, New York's Finest and Bravest.

Ground Zero Volunteers Flag, originally known as The Ground Zero Flag was founded in 2001 by a few New Yorkers volunteering at Ground Zero. Made and donated by Valley Forge Flags of Pennsylvania, The Flag is 60' X 30' and weighs 92lbs. It was first displayed on 1 Liberty Street, known also as Brooks Brothers Building September 22, 2001 for approximately two months (due to repairs beginning on the damaged building). The Flag assisted in strengthening the fortitude those who responded to the most devastating attack to occur on American soil.

Since 2002, The Flag has been presented for various causes all around New York; including but not limited to: Horse Soldier Dedication, USS New York, USS Intrepid, The New York City Veterans Day Parade, Bronx Veterans Day Parade, Cyclone Stadium, Mets Stadium a.k.a City Field, Salute to America, Band of Pride/Stand Up America Tribute, and the annual September Tribute in Chinatown, NYC.

HOW IT WORKS:Shop online with Click4Good and they donate to your favorite charity at no cost to you.9/11 Remembered understands that not everyone can afford to donate to our cause…but if you happen to shop online, help us just by using Click4Good Po…


Shop online with Click4Good and they donate to your favorite charity at no cost to you.

9/11 Remembered understands that not everyone can afford to donate to our cause…but if you happen to shop online, help us just by using Click4Good Portals to do your shopping. Buying what you need through Click4Good.org ensures that 9/11 Remembered will always benefit. Direct their donation to a specific charity, or don’t pick and all charities will automatically benefit instead.


You Shop - We Give

Click4Good® is a web and mobile app portal that provides anyone who shops online, a signup-free, donation-free method to simultaneously generate money for highly rated charities whenever users shop with us (via Click4Good).

Our friends over at Click4Good makes it easy for online shoppers to #DoGood by just by using #Click4Good.org. Click4Good is a startup company is based out of New York City, whose mission is to help charities using the power of online shopping. It’s easy, users simply shop online with Click4Good and they donate to one or more charities at no cost to you. No signup, no hidden fees or fuss...just use Click4Good.org or Click4Good App before you begin shopping to help great causes near and dear to you. Shop online with Click4Good and we'll donate to your favorite charity at no cost to you - It’s that simple.

MomsForAmerica.us - Click the photo to enlarge

Moms For America

Healing America from the Inside Out

“A national movement of moms to reclaim our culture for truth, family, & freedom.”

Founded in Dayton, Ohio, in 2004, Moms for America is national, non-profit 501(c)(3) educational corporation rooted in the principles of liberty and virtue upon which our nation was founded, and focused on promoting these principles, values, and virtues in the home and family through the women and mothers of America. Moms for America is reviving the sense of community and spirit of sisterhood that once thrived among the women of America. We are many faces from many places combining our talents, experience, and resources to support and encourage each other in the most important work we’ll ever do—raising and nurturing the future of America. Place your name next to the thousands of women who have signed the Declaration, proclaiming the truth that is self evident, family members, and freedom is worth fighting for!



Since September 11, 2001 biker communities across our great nation have been involved in countless charitable events for those affected by the attacks. 9/11 Remembered is beyond honored and humbled to announce our partnership with Orange County Choppers to build The 9/11 Tribute Bike!

Please support this project and our mobile exhibit: Donate, Sponsor or Partner with us!

https://www.patrioticproductions.org/ - Click the photo to enlarge

Patriotic Productions

Honoring our Nation’s Veterans & Raising Spirits

“Our mission is to honor our military from today's War on Terror going back to World War II, including those who have died, while serving the United States of America. We do that by creating photo memorials, holding events open to veterans, their families and the public, and recording stories to share with future generations.”

Laughter Saves Lives Comedy Tour


The mission of the Laughter Saves Lives Foundation is to provide assistance to First Responders trying to overcome financial hardship due to an unforeseen tragedy or illness. These First Responders are the silent heroes who do not hesitate to put their lives in harm’s way to help others in an emergency. LSL will focus on the stories that do not make the front pages in the media, yet these individuals and families need our support.

The Laughter Saves Lives Comedy Tour produces high quality comedy shows for any and all types of organizations. Each show is dedicated to the memory of a First Responder lost on September 11, 2001 so that we may never forget his or her sacrifice. The foundation is funded through sponsorships, donations and from a portion of the show proceeds produced by the Comedy Tour. In addition, donations are also made to fire, police, and military related charities in honor of their service to others.

https://brighterfutureflorida.org/ - Click the photo to enlarge


‘Circle of Heroes’ will be a memorial where veterans are honored & Pinellas County will become a premier dive destination…”

“Circle of Heroes will be the nation’s first underwater dive memorial honoring our veterans. Located 10 miles off the Pinellas County coast in 40 feet of water, the memorial will include 24 different life-size concrete statues of men and women serving in the United States Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy. The 6-foot tall concrete statues will be placed in a circle featuring a center monument with 5 bronze emblems representing each of the U.S. Armed Forces. The Circle of Heroes will be a premier international diving destination and will also serve as a place where veterans with physical and mental injuries can heal. Half of the statues have already been purchased but we need help completing the circle with the remaining statues. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please click here. Help us on our mission by donating today! (continue reading)” - Brighter Future Florida

https://risestpete.org/ - Click the photo to enlarge

RISE Monument

St. Petersburg, Florida

RISE will be a monument that serves as a symbol of America’s resiliency and will be dedicated to 9/11 community heroes, first responders, and all who have been affected by the events of that day. At the heart of the monument, RISE will feature one of the last pieces of World Trade Center steel to be recovered from ‘ground zero’ in New York City. The beam was unearthed during site preparations for America’s Response Monument ‘Horse Soldier Statue’ at the National September 11th Memorial Museum in New York City and given to the owners of American Freedom Distillery. This piece of steel was donated to the Warehouse Arts District Association by the Port Authority of New York in conjunction with the American Freedom Distillery who hired Sculptor Mark Aeling to design and build the monument.(continue reading)” - RISE


A Short History Of The Twin Towers, September 11 & The Years After…

Learn more about 9/11 Memorials in addition to reading a short history of how they came to be across the country and the rest of the world…

“Construction began on The Twin Towers aka The World Trade Center (WTC) in the 1960’s in New York City. A man named Minoru Yamasaki started the project in 1962 with the belief that the buildings would inspire faith, pride and optimism in the hearts of Americans. By 1964, he composed the first drawings of the towers and within a couple of years, construction on the towers officially began. The people involved with it’s construction encountered issues right off the bat. When builders started digging they discovered no pasture stone present at the site. Instead they uncovered “artificial soil” a blend of pebbles and sand. This discovery meant they would have to order more materials than previously anticipated, and change strategy on the towers construction. New York skyscrapers were generally built on a stone base until the Twin Towers changed everything…”
