The 9/11 Remembered Mission:
Dedicated to move.
Freedom Tower - Photo: Thomas Bormans@thomasbormans, Instagram: @thomasbormans
Where We Started
September 11, 2001
After 9/11, pieces of the World Trade Center were made available to create remembrance memorials which were dedicated across the United States as well as in other countries. These memorials were dedicated so that those who take the opportunity to visit them will NEVER FORGET what happened on 9/11/2001.
Where We’re Going
The 9/11 Remembered Traveling Memorial
Travels across the country to specifically share the History of 9/11 with cities across America that have established their own memorials. 9/11 Remembered will be visiting all of these memorials to not only honor them but to also continue their legacy that we NEVER FORGET the day that changed the world forever.