

9/11 Remembered The Traveling Memorial is a mobile exhibit and memorial that travels coast to coast! Our memorial is 4 large specialized trucks and is dedicated to traveling across the country to honor those lost due to 9/11 as well as to share the history and artifacts pertaining to the events of September 11, 2001.

The 9/11 Remembered rendition of our upcoming traveling memorial provided by S1G (Select1Group).

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9/11 Remembered Origins

Our origin story begins at the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City, when my best friend Porkchop and I responded to the worst attack on American soil in history…


9/11 Remembered

Transporting The 9/11 Memorial Across America

We operate and travel through sponsorship and donations. Help us make it to the next city so that we may continue our mission to NEVER FORGET. 9/11 Remembered is a non profit 501c3 corporation. With your donation or sponsorship 9/11 Remembered can continue to travel across the United States of America…


9/11 Didn’t End In 2001

Bless the souls of all those lost on 9/11, those lost after and their families. Since September 11, 2001 “9,795 first responders, downtown workers, residents, students and others with cancer deemed 9/11-related.” This horrifying fact comes directly from the World Trade Center Health Program and is discussed in multiple sources including The New York Post. 9/11 may have happened in 2001, but it’s effects on the world are not over.

A special thanks to our modern war veterans who have just returned…

We see you, we thank you and…

We haven’t forgotten.



The“Let’s Roll” Podcast Tour

Our podcast tour is named in honor of Todd Beamer of Flight 93 who’s famous last words (heard over the phone by a customer service operator) were “let’s roll” to his fellow passengers before they bravely marched to the cockpit of the hijacked plane. 9/11 Remembered is embarking on a journey across America to discuss everything under the sun, especially topics regarding September 11, 2001 and the impact this important mark on history has had and continues to have on humanity to this day. We are currently filming – if you or someone you know would like to be involved in an upcoming podcast episode, please contact us below: